Be a Partner

Duque de Caxias/RJ

The municipality where IDEBRA is located in the center of the Institute’s activities and promotes most of its direct assistance to the public, as well as partnerships with schools, companies, and professional institutions.

The activities are carried out at the Youth Reference Center, the Institute’s headquarters unit, where training and events for children, young adults, and adults take place.

The municipality faces several challenges due to the low HDI (Human Development Index), which makes it crucial to strengthen the citizen protection network and implement activities aimed at improving education and reducing violence among young people.

Based on a diagnosis carried out, the difficulties faced by the region were identified, which led the municipality to be selected as a priority for the installation of IDEBRA.


Extrema, located in the south of Minas Gerais, has emerged as an attractive hub for the implementation of business distribution centers focused on electronic commerce, due to its strategic location.

Following this trend, IDEBRA established a partnership with the Residents’ Association and the City Hall to offer training courses in Logistics Operations for young people interested in entering this area.

Since 2020, these courses have been taught in collaboration with SENAI/FIEMG.

São Paulo/SP

To expand its activities in training young people, IDEBRA established a partnership with Arca do Crescer, expanding its activities to the city of São Paulo.

This partnership aims to serve young people aged 15 and over who seek professional training and qualification to enter the job market.

The course curriculum included an introduction to Logistics Operations, computer basics, and behavioral skills for the professional environment.

Sete Lagoas/MG

Together with the local SENAI, the Sete Lagoas unit marks the Institute’s second teaching center in the state of Minas Gerais. The objective of this partnership is to offer support to young people aged 15 and over who seek to acquire professional training and qualify to enter the job market.

Inaugurated in 2022, the course includes Professional Initiation in Logistics Operations, Oratory Module, and Excel Module.


You, your company or organization can partner with IDEBRA. Contact us.


(21) 3491-1920
(21) 98875-8845




Rua Maris e Barros, 39 Bairro: 25 de agosto Duque de Caxias/RJ - 25071-051 - Brasil